


Process building has been a vital part of leading & supporting the Designers, Interns & Content Creators that I work with as an Art Director. I’ve built structures, hosted workshops & written documentation that help my teams succeed & grow in a remote-first environment.


Oyster: Design Basics

AUDIENCE: Social Team & Interns

GOAL: Give those not trained in Adobe software & Graphic Design an attainable, highly practical understanding of design to improve their social content & Canva designs.

FORMAT: 1 hr workshop, prez with tons of both 👍 & 👎 examples & a checklist of key takeaways.


Oyster: Brainstorming

AUDIENCE: New Employees, Designers & Interns

GOAL: Brainstorming is a differentiator & a highly valued skill for every Oyster employee. It’s also a strong suit of mine that I’m passionate about. I created a crash course for those less comfortable with ideation — making it achievable for everyone to foster greater ideas for our clients.

FORMAT: 2 hr interactive workshop & prez.


Oyster: CMYK

AUDIENCE: Design Team

GOAL: Have a consistent way to check-in with our Junior Designers to: 1. Measure both workload & mental health / stress levels & 2. React quickly & accordingly to potential problems before they snowball.

FORMAT: Documentation for use in weekly team calls & 1:1s.